Now for most, you will not understand the title of this blog. Well unless you are very musically intune, you wont understand it at all.
I recently got big news on a huge concert heading our way. No Doubt, The Sounds, and Paramore are hittin up Utah. Now.. I don't know how I'm going to be able to make it to this big (
important to me) event. I have no money..which is mainly my fault.. well totally my fault. However, considering that my birthday is a month after... my mind started planning. Maybe whoever was planning on giving me a birthday gift...could just give me money in advance. 5-10 dollars even.. it'd go a long way. Now .. knowing this is a huge event.. I will have to buy the ticket far in advance to insure my possibilities of bein able to attend. That said... If you would like to give me a birthday present.. or just make an honorable donation.. It would much be appreciated by maybe let's say...May 10th?
Now I know I'm bein a little rediculous...Especially because I recently had the opportunity to attend a big concert. ... let's be honest here.. No Doubt, The Sounds, and Paramore..all top Mc Hammer and Vanilla Ice. To be fair..Love You Long Time is up there with the other three. If i were to have known that The Sounds were coming this soon.... with such amazing people... I would have for-fitted going to that show. I've been to The Sounds concert before and it was AMAZING. I can't miss this one.. they are coming with Gwen Stefani/No Doubt. She is amazing. You've got to sympathize with me and help me out!! haha.
I've waited "MUCH TOO LONG" for this and if I get to go it will be a "MIRACLE." I just don't want to miss out because I know it's gonna be "HELLA GOOD." You should even join and come "DANCE WITH ME!"