Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 9


Jordan Darcie said...

ok that is so sweet, good work!

Laurel Rasmussen said...

Dude, leish..
this is my all time favorite picture! You are so talented!

Crimson&Howitzer said...

This is a very creative picture. But to tell you the truth? It gives me the eebie geebies...I ended up having a nightmare that night with this image in it! So great work on the creativity, and maybe it will help me overcome some weird fears I have. Maybe. :)

Criscell said...

Ok where is the rest of them. this is only day 9 and we are on day 24. You are so amazing. I love you!

Elicia Launi said...

i dont get the stupid internet on my computer. in my room here at this stupid ugly annoying apartment. i hate pineview. so. uh. i've been doing them .. i just can't post them. i am going to put them all on a flash drive adn post them all. i guess?